320. Udeekan Teriyan; movie review


Cert PG
137 mins
BBFC advice: Contains infrequent mild bad language

Udeekan Teriyan promised much with its emotional tale of loss but becomes muddled with a daft parallel comedy and a misplaced finale.
The premise is of two pensioners being told that their loved ones have been on a plane that has gone missing.
There is a glimmer of hope, but everyone knows they aren't coming home.
Therefore, I fell for Jaswinder Bhalla's distraught Sukhi, who is completely lost without his wife (Seema Kaushal).
Thus, he embarks on an innocent relationship with a neighbour (Amar Noorie) in the same situation because her husband (Vindu Dara Singh) was also on the flight.
The two share stories of their love for their spouses - in. particular, their respective courtships.
They are shown in flashbacks, and both stories are sprinkled with the awkwardness of the early shoots of relationships.
Unfortunately, neighbours see so much of each other that tongues are wagging among the gossip in the park between their homes.
This annoying tittle-tattle becomes the comedy element of Udeekan Teriyan and distracts from the story rather than adds to it.
And then there is a romantic turn which, so soon after bereavement, jars horribly.
In other words, the initial concept of Raj Sinha's movie is interesting, but the film loses its way.

Reasons to watch: Heartwarming sentiment
Reasons to avoid: Too twee

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating 4/10

Did you know? Jaswinder Bhalla holds PhD in Agriculture Science from Punjab Agriculture University. 

The final word. Raj Singha: "Udeekan Teriyan has a whole lot of emotive outbursts, regular doses of healthy entertainment, which is all set to strike an emotive chord with the audience. The film, peppered with emotion and lighter moments is set to resonate with public sentiment, for sure.” City Woofer

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