1. Blank; movie review


Cert 15
95 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, domestic abuse

Artificial Intelligence has read this review and suggested improving grammar, phrasing, and word use.
My Satnav gets me around the country, and Alexa helps us select which songs from our home speakers we play.
But, as long ago as 2014, Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's leading scientists, warned that Artificial Intelligence could threaten the existence of mankind.
This is the baton picked up in the edgy thriller Blank by director Natalie Kennedy.
It focuses on writer Claire Rivers (Rachel Shelley), who is under pressure to publish a follow-up to a string of bestselling novels.
However, she lacks inspiration and is unable to hammer out a single word on her old-style typewriter.
Then, she sees an advert for a unique retreat where it is guaranteed that creative juices will flow again.
When she arrives, her only company is from a hologram concierge (Wayne Brady) and an AI servant (Heida Reed) who is programmed to provide for her every whim and help complete her project.
She likes the concierge and is slightly irritated by the servant but finds her new accommodation relaxing.
However, in WestWorld-style, things go wrong when malware enters the system.
Meanwhile, the plot she begins to create for her novel has synergies with her complicated past.
Blank may be low-budget, but I found it thoroughly engaging. 
The premise is interesting, its storyline has intriguing tangents, and Shelley and Reed are believable as the fraught writer and the emotionless machine.
It is also topical and begs the question - how far should we go with our reliance on Artificial Intelligence, and where will it end?

Reasons to watch; Edgy thriller
Reasons to avoid: Repetition

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6.5/10

Did you know? A startup called Humane has just announced its AI Pin, a wearable button that essentially contains an AI personal assistant, camera, speaker and projector. 

The final word. Natalie Kennedy: "I love films like Man Who Fell to Earth, Andromeda Strain. Ex Machina was great and really inspired this movie. I’m a real fan of sci-fi and I have been for years. So that’s why I felt for my first one, I wanted to do something sci-fi."

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