27. 5 Times No (5 Here Jo); movie review


Cert 12A 
105 mins
BBFC advice: TBA

What to do on the way home after a matinee of a cracking West End show?
Yes, Mrs W and I nipped into Acton Odeon for an Albanian movie that is only showing in Greater London.
And we were happy we did - enjoying several laughs at Erion Bubullima's rom-com, 5 Times No, in a smart multiplex.
Sure, it is a bit predictable - its ending is evident long before its end - but there is a lively chemistry between its leads, Bora Zemani and Donald Veshaj.
Zemani plays Jora, a tough-as-nails TV producer, who is challenged to go head-to-head with an in-house rival (Egla Ceno) to create a prime-time show.
She rages at her hapless assistants until they come up with the perfect director (Veshraj).
He is also Albanian and has been working in Austria, but the lure of coming home for a significant project is too much to resist.
However, he hasn't bargained with how demanding his producer will be.
This is the land of beautiful people, and all of the characters, even the older ones, are pleasing to the eye.
No surprise, then, that romance is in the air.
However, before the film reaches that point, there is much to-ing and fro-ing via farce and a heap of misunderstandings.
5 Times No is light-hearted and raises a few giggles. It is also a decent advert for Albania, whose beaches and sea have never looked more inviting.
It doesn't require much brainpower, but occasionally, it is nice to have a laugh and appreciate the surroundings.
By and large, Bubullima's picture achieves on both counts.

Reasons to watch: Raises a few giggles
Reasons to avoid: Predictable

Laughs: Three
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

Did you know? During China's Cultural Revolution, many Chinese audience members were introduced to avant-garde and modernist storytelling techniques through Albanian film.

The final word.  Producer Ledion Liço: "I want the younger generation to grow up with their local cinematic heroes, and not always see them only from Hollywood." Top Albanian Radio

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