96. The Lyricist Wannabe; movie review


Cert 12A
110 mins
BBFC advice: Contains infrequent strong language

In the thousands of movies I have seen since the beginning of 2011, I cannot recall any about the challenging path to becoming a pop lyricist.
So, plaudits to Norris Wong for balancing the dreams of a young woman (Chung Suet Ying) against the cynicism of the pop music industry.
His guns are aimed at Cantopop, a phenomenon that emerged in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s.
Ying's character Sze's love for songwriting emerges in school, where she writes for her pals and enters public contests.
Undaunted by setbacks, she tries many avenues to hone her skills and offers to help myriad studios and singers.
In between, there are flickers of romance, mini-dramas with her friends and clashes with her parents and brother.
But the Lyricist Wannabe's main focus is Sze and her belief that her talent for writing will eventually be recognised.
Wong's movie maintains interest because its premise is so different. It delves into song composition and emphasises how tough it is to break into the music industry.
Sze's naivety becomes a repeated theme as she tries to swim in shark-infested waters.
Nevertheless, her battle to fulfil her ambition is engaging and the audience is not soft-soaped.

Reasons to watch: Unusual premise
Reasons to avoid: Goes often same ground too often

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

Did you know? Cantopop reached its zenith in the 1980s with a fanbase and concerts all over the world, especially in Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan.

The final word. Cedric Behrel, managing director Trinity CineAsia: "The unique phenomenon that is Cantopop, and the lyric-writing craft that lies at the heart of it, hasn’t been committed to film often enough. The Lyricist Wannabe aims to redress that and serves as a heartfelt tribute to the timeless musicality of Hong Kong, whilst offering universal insights into the pursuit of one’s dreams during youth."

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