44. The Art Of War; movie review

Cert TBA
96 mins
BBFC advice: TBA

This is an everyfilm first - I cannot write a full review because I didn't see the whole of Adam Starks' The Art Of War.
Adam Kindly sent over a screening link but I had to pause it after 35 minutes and, when I returned, my access had expired.
Anyway, I will say that Starks' low-budget movie shows plenty of promise and clear signs of attention to detail.
Set during the Second World War, its backdrop is consistent, thanks to being shot at outdoor museums and with the help of reenactment groups.
It surrounds the departure for war of a brother (Joshua Copeland) whose sibling (Starks) is reluctantly left behind.
It is ambitious film with multiple outdoor sets from battlefields to train stations and both actors are convincing.
However, I was left a bit baffled by Copeland's long hair and Starks 21st centre-style locks. Surely, they would have not have survived a 1940s barber's short back and sides?
Anyway, that is all I can add on the back of 35 minutes and the stats below are only based around the first third of the film.
I will update this should I be able to see its remaining hour.

Reasons to watch: largely impressive attention to detail
Reasons to avoid: audiences should not expect the production values of Hollywood

Laughs: none
Jumps: none
Vomit: none
Nudity: none
Overall rating: 6/10

The big question - did any men wear long hair during the 1940s?

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