65. A Dog's Way Home; movie review

Cert PG
96 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild threat, upsetting scenes

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There have been so many cutesy tales about dogs during the past year that I was inwardly groaning at the prospect of seeing another.
But I surprised myself by departing from the first of four-film Saturday at Nottingham Cineworld with a beaming smile.
We have never had a dog but even my heart was melted by Bella (voiced by Bryce Dallas Howard).
She is just a pup when she is found under a derelict house by Lucas (Jonah Hauer-King) and his girlfriend Olivia (Alexandra Shipp).
He sees her as potential therapy for his mum (Ashley Judd), an army veteran who is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
And, although their landlord doesn't allow dogs, they manage to keep Bella out of sight and she grows up in a perfect home.
However, they have a nemesis in the shape of a dog warden (John Cassini) who is determined to round up Bella because he believes she is a pit bull which is banned in Denver.
The movie goes through two phases - Bella's adventures in growing up and her 400-mile trek back home when she runs away from a couple who are temporarily looking after her.
Yes, she had to be taken to New Mexico for fear of her being snatched by the warden and was lured back home to Colorado by the 'pull of love'.
As might be imagined, it wasn't an easy journey. She needed to find food, beat off potential predators and slip away from humans who wanted her to be their pet.
Obviously, there is a heck of a lot more to Charles Martin Smith's movie but I would be ruining it if I went into more detail.
Suffice to say that children will adore it, dog lovers will gush over it and even hard hearts such as me will find themselves inwardly cheering Bella on.

Reasons to watch: Lovable pooch movie
Reasons to avoid: Some will find it too cheesy

Laughs: Two
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10

Did you know? Despite many anecdotal accounts, there is no scientific-based proof that dogs can be trained to detect seizures in humans, let alone predict their onset far enough in advance to indicate to them about it. 

The final word. Writer, W. Bruce Cameron: "I started thinking, our full force in the universe is love. Couldn’t be possible the real reason that dog and find its way home is from the tug of the invisible leash of love leading her unerringly to her person. The impetus for A Dog’s Way Home is it’s just my own personal exploration of this phenomenon that we don’t really understand it as humans."

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