187 Puppet Master - The Littlest Reich; movie review
Cert TBA
BBFC advice: TBA
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It takes all sorts but my idea of entertainment is not seeing a catalogue of gory killings accompanied by the flimsiest of narratives.
I realise that I shouldn't have been taking Puppet Master - The Littlest Reich seriously and that there are people who find B-movie, tomato sauce-fests funny.
But this type of stuff hasn't found its niche in our house. Indeed, I didn't even subject Mrs W to Sonny Laguna and Tommy Wiklund's movie.
Since watching the film, I have discovered that it is the THIRTEENTH instalment in a franchise.
I think it says much about our society that they have continued since the orginal movie was released as long ago as 1989.
Not me, I was a Puppet Master virgin and I shall not be recommending it to anyone.
I digress.
The Littlest Reich is set in a small town where there is a convention of those who have gathered to auction off puppets which belonged to a long-dead Nazi.
Then the puppets come to life and attack their owners in a hideous bloodbath.
Thomas Lennon leads the fight against the murderous dolls and simultaneously manges to romance a former neighbour (Jenny Pellicer).
Having not seen any of the previous Puppet Master movies, I was uncclear on how the puppets were coming to life or even why they were.
But I don't suppose that those who enjoy B-Movie horrors are bothered about the storyline or the acting.
They just want to see a huge variety of bloody deaths.
If that is your cinematic bent, this film is for you. If it isn't, stay well clear. I wish I had.
Reasons to watch: If you are a fan of gore
Reasons to avoid: If you have a sensitive stomach
Laughs: None for me
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 3/10
Did you know? The oldest written records of puppetry can be found in the works of Herodotus and Xenophon, dating from the 5th century BC.
The last word. Sonny Laguna: "Here we had to be accountable for a lot of elements coming together. We were constantly running out of time, so if it would have been a huge Hollywood budget, there would have been even more cool kills. I think it’s good enough in that department." Slash Film
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