285. Ayogya; movie review

Cert 12A
142 mins
BBFC advice: Contains moderate violence, threat, injury detail, sexual violence references

What is heroic about a central character who deliberately worms his way into the police so he can line his pockets with as much money as possible?
True, Venkat Mohan's Ayogya is very different from the usual movies which highlight police corruption in India.
But, in attempting to come at the old issue from a fresh angle, it has made Vishal's lead unlikable.
I can't compare Ayogya with the Telegu movie Temper on which it is based because I haven't seen it but I found its first hour irritating and its second hour unconvincing.
Vishal plays a police inspector who realises, as a poor orphan, that getting on to the force is the best way of making easy money.
He slides on to the force and, by hook and mainly crook, slips his way to inspector rank.
His name comes to the fore when a city crime lord (R. Parthiban) is angered by his thugs being arrested and presses a senior politician to bring in a cop he can manipulate.
For most of Ayogya, Vishal's character is on the take - careless about real policing and only interested in building his fortune.
The lack of subtlety in the character made me want to punch the screen. He gets into metaphorical bed with killers and rapists without much of a thought.
I was also angered by the manner in which his Kaman ignores both the pleas of his most senior officer (K.S.Ravikumar) and then suddenly playing the good guy when he makes a play for local beauty (Raashi Khanna).
The turnaround and twists come way too late because I was well past caring by then.
Ok, I concede that there is a climax which is exciting and out of keeping with the rest of the movie but it is as if Ayogya's makers concentrated much more on that than the padding which leads it there.
Therefore, I cannot recommend it.

Reasons to watch: If you enjoy the screaming and shouting of Tamil masala movies
Reasons to avoid: Vishal's character is consistently irritating

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 4/10

Did you know? A 2017 survey by Transparency International, an anti-corruption global civil society organisation, stated that India has the highest bribery rate among the 16 Asia Pacific countries surveyed. Nearly seven in 10 people who accessed public services in India had paid a bribe.

Final word. Raashi Khanna: “Its message will definitely get through. I have seen the original (Jr NTR’s 2015 film, Temper), and a remake only makes sense if you are adding value to it. I believe director Venkat Mohan, Vishal, and the rest of the team have worked hard on this.” New India Express

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