431. Mindo Taseeldarni; movie review

Cert 12A
121 mins
BBFC advice: Contains moderate violence, injury detail

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Oh, gosh. Has the time come for me to give up on watching Punjabi comedies?
This year they have become more accessible thanks to Amazon Prime but I am no nearer making any sense of them.
Avtar Singh's Mindo Taseeldarni is part romance, part comedy and part... well, I've honestly no idea how I would categorise its bizarre final ten minutes.
The screeching of its characters was maddening, its storyline was as weak as a baby's bicep and yet I have read reviews from folk saying how much they loved it.
Karamjit Anmol plays the drunken good-for-nothing son of a drunken good-for nothing dad (Sardar Sohi).
Under pressure to prove that he can get a wife, he boasts that he is courting the much-admired Mindo Taseeldarni (Kavita Kaushik).
Even he knows such a love match is so far out of his depth he might as well be in a submarine.
Firstly, he is way beneath her station - he lives with his poverty-stricken mum and dad in a village and she lives with armed guards in a mansion.
They have even less in common in the physical stakes - he is an ugly mug who wears tank tops which is looks as if his gran may have knitted.
She is a woman of great style and panache.
And yet you know exactly what is coming...
But before it does there is a spectacularly out of kilter ending which involves a suicide attempt by a relative.
I didn't get it at all and all of the shouting drove me to distraction.

Reasons to watch: An easygoing wedding comedy/drama
Reasons to avoid: Seen its like so many times before

Laughs: None for me
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 3.5/10

Did you know? Gazetted Officers are executive/managerial level ranked public servants in India. Authority for a gazetted officer to issue an official stamp comes from the President Of India or the Governors of States.

Final word. Isha Rikhi: "Mindo Taseeldarni is a complete package of romance, emotion and comedy. I am happy that people are liking it and finding it very relatable." Yes Punjab

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