432. The Queen's Corgi; movie review Dino Andrade

Cert PG
85 mins
BBFC advice: Contains mild innuendo, threat, dangerous behaviour

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My mum and dad have only seen about five films all year and this was one of them!
They haven't admitted it but I suspect that mum, an ardent royalist, expected something rather different when she saw the title.
I can just imagine that she arrived at Coventry Odeon full of intrigue for how a real-life corgi played a part in Her Majesty's life.
Instead, she and dad found themselves watching Ben Stassen and Vincent Kesteloot's animation about a fictitious top dog called Rex (voiced by Leo Barakat).
The hound gets a bit above himself at Buck House and so his supposed best friend (Dino Andrade) devises a cunning plan to oust him.
Suddenly he finds himself confronted with an outside world which has previously been completely foreign to him.
Thus, he not only has to deal with his new surroundings but create a plan to find his way back to royalty.
In the words of my dad, The Queen's Corgi prompted a 'few laughs' from mum and him although I think he might have been a tad polite.
My view was that while the story is knockabout harmless, it is not particularly exciting.
Although, I wonder whether it is aimed at American or European audiences who might enjoy the portrayals of the Queen (Mari Devon), the Duke of Edinburgh (Paul Gregory) and Donald Trump (Kirk Thornton)

Reasons to watch: A rare animation involving the Queen
Reasons to avoid: Not very entertaining

Laughs: None for me
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 4/10

Did you know? Fond of corgis since she was a small child, Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 corgis since she became Queen in 1952, however the last of them died in 2018.

The final word. Ben Stassen: "The Queen's Corgi is the first time that we’ve featured a storyline which can be understood on two levels. Dogs talk to children, humans (notably the royal couple, or Donald Trump) talk to bigger humans. I hope we’ll win parents over even more with this film." Cineuropa

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