Hide and Never Seek Review

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers!

Plot Summary: Two guys that run a paranormal livestream discover their most recent investigation is real.

Review: Man, this was some seriously wasted potential...yet again. If you've watched the "Hide and Go Kill" movies (which I've reviewed), then you should be familiar with the general premise here. I was actually surprised that they'd use this story line, because I'm left to believe that this is a real ghost story in Japan now? Or did the Korean filmmakers simply like the concept and thought people wouldn't be familiar with this "hide and seek alone" game? Anybody out there know what is the dealio? Regardless, it's not that this movie simply fumbles the premise, it's that the filmmakers forgot to include any scares or tension. Even at the climax, when everything should be hitting a horrific crescendo, nothing happens to make the payoff worth it.

"Hide and Never Seek" does start off promising enough as we are introduced to the main guys; these two run an internet show where they investigate various paranormal stories. The two guys not getting along makes little sense that they'd work together, but I guess that helps create banter to keep the plot rolling. Anyway, the opening segment gave me a lot of hope for what was to come. because the characters lean more on disbelief in the paranormal as they try to prove a story is fake. Unfortunately, that early momentum dwindles once we get to the primary story which involves the aforementioned "hide and seek alone" ghost game. The main guys are sent a video of two girls playing the game which prompts them to launch an investigation worthy of their show. We get lots of moments where you think something cool or scary may happen but nope. At last, when they have their big investigation at night--at the same location of the video and performing their own "hide and seek alone" ritual--we finally get some action. However, this climax is short-lived and unfulfilling with many questions left unanswered and ideas squandered. For example, why was that girl in the water tower if the ghosts drag you off to Kayako-land? Why was the one girl on that island in the beginning? It goes on.

The "hide and seek alone" urban legend, or whatever you'd classify it as, is interesting, but it was handled better in the "Hide and Go Kill" movies. In this instance, the story doesn't incorporate enough of this urban legend into the action. More so, there is little attention put into keeping the tension raised during the running time; well, unless decoy scares impress you. I mean, we know the characters are in danger since it's a horror movie, but the movie does not properly instill that atmosphere or any sense of dread. And the way that their first case connected to the current one was flimsy and stupid. Were the filmmakers just so desperate to create twists that they added shit as an afterthought?

Despite these flaws, there were still good ideas here and there. The core story line of the movie is intriguing, and could have been a great fit for the found-footage genre. Sadly, the scarier premise would have been to make a movie about the two girls that originally played the game and showing their lives spiral into madness with ghosts after them. Oh well. I can't say that "Hide and Never Seek" will deliver enough entertainment, but it's competently made and is more fun if you've watched the "Hide and Go Kill" movies. Of course, they blew the chance to connect this film to those movies, but maybe that would be asking too much.

Notable Moment: The opening sequence at the cursed island. I kept thinking this girl in the well story would bridge everything together, but we didn't even get clarity about whether or not that old man murdered her or what.

Final Rating: 5.5/10

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