156. Cuck; movie review

Cert 18
115 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong sex, discriminatory language and behaviour

Is a person ever just mad or bad or is it likely that their background dictates both their thoughts and their actions.
For example, are those who grow up with violence around them, likely to replicate it in later life?
There are exceptions in which people rebel against nurture but, largely, they adhere to type for good or bad.
The complicating features include resentment built through neglect as a child, inadequacies socially or rejection at work, home or in friendships.
Rob Lambert's Cuck ticks several boxes - a ghastly relationship with an elderly, infirm but demanding mother, a lost father early in his life and the desperation to live up to his image of him.
Zachary Ray Sherman is totally convincing in the title role - translating his belief that the world is against him into a skewed political stance.
Indeed, the validation he is seeking from society is gleaned through social media where he broadcasts right-wing tirades.
Sherman's Ronnie typifies too many people in today's big-in-their-bedroom world in which dangerously aggressive talk is encouraged.
He is socially inept but is keen for a girlfriend so dovetails his porn addiction with internet dating and tries to break out of the grip of his mother (Sally Kirkland) and financial embarrassment by getting a job.
His initial attempts at both have the inevitable results but he eventually meets a porn actress (Monique Parent) and her husband (Timothy V. Murphy) who make a surprising proposal to him.
Cuck is a very unusual but intoxicating movie which has surprises aplenty and explores social isolation, the rise of America's right and even the home-made porn industry.
No wonder there is a sense of foreboding throughout.
Both Mrs W and I were surprised had how engaged we were by it.

Reasons to watch: Gripping and unusual thriller
Reasons to avoid: Not very politically correct

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 7.5/10

Did you know? Thirty white nationalist groups are listed on Wikipedia as operating in the United States

The final word. Zachary Ray Sherman: "What is motivating these white men? I hope that we can be one more drop in the cup that leads to a moment when we can have that conversation and do something about it. Maybe that’s grand thinking.” Vanity Fair

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