143. Coppelia; movie review


Cert U
82 mins
BBFC advice: Contains very mild fantasy threat

How unusual - a ballet transported to a big screen movie.
Coppelia was something of a pleasure even though its story is rather basic compared to the original 1870 production.
Directed and written by Stephen de Beul, Ben Tesseur and Jeff Tudor, this is based on Ted Brandsen's production for Dutch National Ballet. 
It tells the enchanting love story of Swan (Michaela DePrince) and Franz (Daniel Camargo) through dance.
Their love is threatened by the evil cosmetic surgeon Dr Coppelius (Vito Mazzeo) who literally tries to change the face of the town.
He uses the outstanding beauty of his protégée, Coppelia and a perfume which turns their heads towards his headquarters - a futuristic building in the centre of an oldy-worldy town.
Coppelia is like no film I have ever seen before because it combines ballet and animation and no words are uttered throughout its 82 minutes.
Thus, we have to understand its plot through the spectacularly lithe dancing and facial expressions of its leads.
DePrince, Camargo and Mazzeo all rise to the challenge with gusto .
Strictly Come Dancing judge Darcey Bussell plays one of the townsfolk who sees cosmetic transformation as initially desirable.
However, it appears the surgeon is offering his services as a way of gaining hypnotic power of the townsfolk.
As said, the storyline isn't too exciting but the execution is, with some wonderful dancing to music which ranges from classical to modern electronic.
And there is the moral message about image-conscious culture and the damage it can too.

Reasons to watch: Unique concept of ballet mixed with animation
Reasons to avoid: Very basic storyline

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? The ballet was first performed on 25 May 1870 at the Théâtre Impérial de l´Opéra in Paris. Coppélia was a great success and has been performed around the world.

The final word. Michaela DePrince: "I hope audiences of all ages will be inspired. We all struggle to find ways to fit the norm, or what people say the norm is, when being different and unique is much more special than trying to be what others want you to be." PBS

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