208. I Am Zlatan (Jag är Zlatan); movie review

Cert 15
100 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language

In April of this year, Mino Raiola, the football agent known for his abrasive style, died at the age of 54 and so passed the only person who could keep a lid on one of the most temperamental footballers of our time.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been hugely successful at top clubs across Europe and for the Swedish national team.
But his bad attitude and reprehensible actions have become almost as famous as his dazzling football skills.
Jens Sjögren's movie goes a long way to explaining why Ibrahimovic has such a fiery personality and what made him a perfect fit for Raiola.
Much of his film is spent in the footballer's formative years when disruption at home has a big impact on his disaffection for school.
Dominic Andersson Bajraktati plays 11-year-old Zlatan (Granit Rushiti picks up the role in later teens) who either doesn't seem to understand the difference between right and wrong or doesn't care. 
Merima Dizdarevic portrays his mother who is finding it near impossible to bring up three children alone and Cedomir Glisovic is her estranged husband who flits in and out of their lives.
This is Ibrahimovic's story (it is adapted from his auto-biography) and centres very much on him and how he was set apart from others.
It may have been an act of catharsis, repentance or even contrition because it contains numerous incidents during which he was either unkind to others or broke the law.
The film shows him as a great footballing talent but also a narcissist from an early age.
In other words, if he achieves great things they are down to him but if he is in the wrong it is either down to victimisation or rules being stupid.
It is unclear on whether he is blaming his upbringing for that or is merely saying "this is the way I am."

Reasons to watch: An intriguing revelation of what made Ibrahimovic unique
Reasons to avoid: Goes over a lot of similar ground

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Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

Did you know? Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a taekwondo black belt. As a child, he trained at the Malmö Taekwondo club Enighet and was awarded the honorary belt for his extraordinary football achievements.

The final word. Zlatan Ibrahimovic: ""I can't help but laugh at how perfect I am."


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