209. Everything Went Fine (Tout s'est bien passé); movie review


Cert 15
113 mins
BBFC advice: Contains brief strong bloody violence

Many of us say that we would rather die than become incapacitated and a burden on our families.
But, in truth, would we have the guts to arrange for our own demise when push comes to shove?
I was deeply touched by François Ozon’s Everything Went Fine, an adaptation of a book by his late writing partner Emmanuèle Bernheim. 
Bernheim, played with great empathy by Sophie Marceau, was asked by her father (the remarkable André Dussollier) to help him end his life after he suffered a paralysing stroke.
Initially, she is appalled but gradually she and her sister (Géraldine Pailhas) begin to accept his wishes and see how they can be fulfilled.
The brilliance of Ozon's film is the way in which moods and attitude vacillate because of the heavy stress of the situation.
It is also enhanced because the father is a narcissist who has not treated either his daughters or their mother (Charlotte Rampling) well over the years.
His wife, who suffers from depression, is ambivalent towards his plight but, despite his erratic behaviour, his daughters stick with him.
Everything Went Fine is poignant and upsetting. Its skill is placing the audience in the sisters' positions and deciding how they would handle such dilemmas.
As it is, the women are guided by love but are faced with an avalanche of curve balls, not least from the legal perspective.
Their stoicism in the face of adversity will prompt many a tear.

Reasons to watch; Stirring performances
Reasons to watch: Upsetting premise

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes:
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Baca Juga

Did you know?  There are more than 100,000 strokes in the UK each year causing 38,000 deaths, making it a leading cause of death and disability.

The final word. François Ozon: "I felt some of the intense stress Emmanuèle must have felt as she confronted a society that doesn't let us organise a desired death in a legal and structured way. I don't think the children or loved ones of the person should have to bear that burden and all the accompanying guilt."

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