258. Sher Bagga; movie review


Cert 12A
151 mins
BBFC advice: Contains abortion references

Ok, Sonam Bajwa is beautiful and Ammy Virk is beguiling but do their characters have to be so shallow?
To an extent, Sher Bagga is a disarming romance but it bears absolutely zero scrutiny.
Virk's Dilsher is an innocent country boy from the Punjab who has barely the wherewithal to tie up his shoelaces and yet we are led to believe that he can charm high-living Gulab (Bajwa) and somehow has the money to turn her head.
He arrives in London because he believes he will get together with a girl from his village.
However, a confusion at the airport leads to him going to a hotel with Gulab, a girl who is based in England and is much more streetwise.
She ends up showing him a bit of high life after telling him how she has split up from her boyfriend.
Anyway, the unlikely pair are constantly at odds and yet his good nature means that he never sees the bad in her and, consequently, he gradually breaks down her resistance.
Jagdeep Sidhu's film has some rather pleasing moments of pathos and some amusing comedy moments - usually in the hands of Nirmal Rishi who plays our hero's grandmother back in Punjab.
He is constantly pressing her for funds and she is happy to send the money so he can lead a happy life.
Not that her relatively small input would explain the most extraordinarily extravagant lifestyle which the pair lead - including renting a house which looks as though it would cost £25,000 a month. 
Sure, Gulab looks as if she comes from very wealthy stock and drives a flashy Mustang, has a wardrobe which would put Madonna to shame and yet never does a stroke of work.
As the movie goes on there is a frisson of romance between the unlikely couple but would a girl with this background really go for a lad who, to quote his own words, has no brain but a good heart?
My problem with Sher Bagga is that I liked neither character - Dilsher is naive to the point of frustration and Gulab has a rather annoying 'the world's all about me' attitude.
Sure they both look good as do their Home Counties surroundings and there are a few decent tunes but, overall, there wasn't enough in Sher Bagga to grab the audience.

Reasons to watch: Intriguing romance
Reasons to avoid: Will be much too slushy for some

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Laughs: One
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 6/10

Did you know? Sonam Bajwa was an air hostess when she applied for Miss India auditions.

The final word. Jagdeep Sidhu: "If you go further back to about 25-30 years ago, films were made on these daring subjects. Suddenly, there came a time when everything became taboo, be it religion or personal relationships. Everyone was scared to not talk about or show stuff. In Punjabi cinema, heroes would be scared to hold heroine’s hand. But now people are becoming open-minded again." Hindustan Times

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