290. May December; movie review


Cert 15
117 mins
BBFC advice: Contains child sexual abuse theme, strong sex

The screen crackled to the verbal dances of two of the world's great actresses in Todd Haynes' compelling May December.
Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore combine to peel the layers of a story that surprises and challenges at every turn.
Even at the movie's conclusion, the audience is left asking itself a clutch of moral questions.
Portman stars as a film star who is due to begin production of a picture about the characters of Moore and her on-screen husband (Charles Melton).
The indie movie is to centre on the headline story of 23 years previously when Gracie - 36 at the time - was caught having sex with 13-year-old Joe.
More than two decades later, the couple are apparently happily married with three children.
So, they agree that the actress should visit them to understand more about a relationship that has flourished against the odds.
However, nothing is as simple as Gracie wants to paint, nor is it as black and white as seen by those who still post faeces through their door.
May December benefits from a smart script in the right hands.
Moore is terrific as the much older woman who seems much more naive than her reputation suggests.
Portman equals her as the actress whose life isn't quite as perfect as she initially seems.
Meanwhile, the interviews she conducts with family and friends unturn stones that have been hiding secrets for years.
It all makes for an intriguing and very watchable drama.
Reasons to watch: Intriguing thriller
Reasons to avoid: A tad too arty

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Did you know? This is Julianne Moore's fifth collaboration with director Todd Haynes.

The final word. Todd Haynes: "The response to May December, so far, has made me feel like people want to be — are there to be — confused and disturbed and uncertain about what they think about movies again. And I love that, because that’s always what movies should do to you." Vulture

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