59. Someone's Daughter, Someone's Son; movie review


Cert 15
87 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, references to drugs, domestic abuse and sexual violence

"We're not scumbags. We are people. We're not invisible."
How homeless people are treated by society says more about us than it does about them.
The very notion that they should be kicked, spat on or worse as they try to eke some sleep in shop doorways bewilders me.
Having been on the board of YMCA Derbyshire, I had the good fortune to mentor homeless people and listen to their harrowing stories.
I have also slept in a cardboard box overnight, raising money for the YMCA by seeing how tough just one night being homeless could be.
I barely slept a wink even though the weather was good and there was no threat from the public.
Consequently, I was transfixed by Lorna Tucker's very personal film, Someone's Daughter, Someone's Son.
Tucker knows her onions. She became homeless at 14 and spent two years living on the streets, where she slept under Waterloo Bridge and was in and out of sheltered accommodation. 
Her passion for this project is reflected by its thoroughness.
Several people who are homeless or have been, tell stories which would widen the eyes of anyone who doesn't know those who have experienced it.
There is also a robust contribution from Lord Bird, the co-founder of The Big Issue, who lived on the streets and was imprisoned in his much younger days.
He and Tucker are among those who offer hope to the current homeless and advocate vigorously for changes in government social policies to prevent it.
I applaud their efforts and the supporters of the Kickstarter campaign that financed such an important film.
They include Sam Fender and Bryan Adams - the latter having written an original song exclusively for the film.
Someone's Daughter, Someone's Son shows how homeless people want to do something constructive with their lives and how vital an opportunity can be.

Reasons to watch: Thorough and enlightening
Reasons to avoid: Upsetting true stories

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8.5/10

Did you know? Shelter's research published in December 2023 showed homelessness had risen rapidly in 12 months: over 3,000 people were sleeping rough on any given night (26% increase) and 279,400 were living in temporary accommodation (14% increase) - most of whom were families. There were also 20,000 people in hostels or supported accommodation. 

The final word. Matt Hird, head of distribution at Dartmouth Films: "We’ve been touched by the outpouring of kindness and generosity from the public who’ve connected with Lorna’s story and want to actively make a difference to homelessness by supporting our film."

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