105. The Lavender Hill Mob; movie review


Cert U
81 mins
BBFC advice: Contains no material likely to harm or offend

The Lavender Hill Mob is one of the Ealing Studios classics and was last re-released 13 years ago - so it was a pleasure to become re-acquainted with it ahead of its return to the cinema.
Charles Crichton's movie reminds us of a very different time with its backdrop of London being rebuilt after the war.
They were also the days of police boxes, whistles, and streets that were neither crowded with vehicles nor people.
There were also boarding houses, such as where bank clerk Holland (Alec Guinness) lives.
He has been a trustworthy, even pedantic employee for 20 years but dreams of stealing the gold bullion he babysits on daily deliveries. 
Thus, he enlists his housemate (Stanley Holloway) and career criminals (Sid James and Alfie Bass) to help him in his daring scheme.
For its first half, The Lavender Hill Mob is breathless, the storyline moving like a forest fire, but it shows its age in the second 40 minutes. 
The thieves, so fussy in their preparations, suddenly become lax, causing scenes of virtual farce that are out of place with what has gone before. 
The chase scenes are also more Benny Hill than The Sweeney. 
Nevertheless, it was still a splendid way to spend 77 minutes.

Reasons to watch: Classic 1950s movie
Reasons to avoid: Seems very gentle by today's standards

Laughs: One
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10

Did you know? Audrey Hepburn (Chiquita) was considered for a large role but stage work made her unavailable. However, Alec Guinness was so impressed with the young actress, he arranged for her to appear in a bit part which is considered to be her first appearance in a major movie.

The final word. Charles Crichton: "It rescued me I think because Dance Hall (his previous film) didn't do too well." BECTU History Project

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