344. Super 30; movie review

Cert 12A
155 mins
BBFC advice: Contains moderate violence, threat

For many years, we had wanted to visit India because I had been immersed in its movies and acquaintances had said how wonderful it was.
However, I am not sure we would ever go back after our trip in 2014.
The truth is that we were overcome by helplessness we felt at the poverty which we witnessed on every corner.
Sure, the children were smiling and it was charming that Mrs W's blonde hair was a novelty to them but their plight (some were literally sleeping in makeshift 'homes' under flyovers) was hard to take.
Anand Kumar is one of those who have tried to make a difference and give a slither of hope to those who want to break out of the slums and make a name for themselves.
He has gained worldwide recognition for his Super 30 - a programme for a class of poor youngsters to whom he passes on his own remarkable gift for mathematics.
Hrithik Roshan plays Kumar in Vikas Bahl's movie which dramatises his work and life..
It takes his story from being a student who refused to see his own poor background as a barrier to success.
Bahl's movie reflects the difficulties Kumar had in making his mark and the high cost he paid emotionally.
It also shows how he had to stand up to corruption and even violence from those who wanted to stop him.
But, despite all of this, he was determined to use the talent with which he was blessed.
Kumar himself has spoken in favour of Roshan's portrayal, claiming that even his friends and family were gobsmacked at how well he has captured his personality and idiosyncrasies.
It is very much Roshan's film but mention should be made of Aditya Shrivastava who is devilish as his best friend turned mortal enemy.

Reasons to watch: Uplifting true story
Reasons to avoid: Repeats the same points too often

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 8/10

Did you know? Anand Kumar garnered widespread recognition in 2009 after the Discovery Channel broadcast a one-hour-long programme on Super 30.

Final word. Anand Kumar: "Hrithik deserves kudos for mustering the courage to appear in a deglamorised look. He has also hired a speech trainer from Bhagalpur to get the Bihari accent right. Hats off to the star and the entire unit." firstpost

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