111. Geez & Ann; movie review


Cert PG
106 mins
BBFC advice: Contains threat

And the Oscar for the soppiest film of the year goes to...
It's a pity the Academy Awards judges haven't come up with such a category because Geez & Ann would win it hands down.
Yes, I know that Rizki Balki's movie is not aimed at my age group but my memory can still stretch back as far as teenage relationships and they weren't as wet as this.
Indeed, I was a student abroad in Germany - and my long-term romance crashed into the rocks of long-distance.
I digress.
Hanggini Purinda Retto stars as Ann, a prim and proper high school student who is seduced by Geez - the guitarist (Junior Roberts) of a rock band
When I say seduced, I really mean courted. This is a long-winded, peck-on-the-cheek-style romance which reminds me of my daughter's puppy love relationships when she was about 14.
Except that Geez and Ann are meant to be in their late teens.
This issue is that Ann has overly high expectations of Geez - a boy who is desperately trying to carve his own life away from a domineering mother (Dewi Rezer).
Unfortunately, the latter is a stereotype which crops up in so many Asian movies - namely, a parent who sets impossible goals for their child and almost inevitably thinks their chosen partner is beneath them.
Thus, she simply bangs on and on about what she wants for Geez and doesn't allow him to deviate from her plan for a moment.
Of course, he is a teenager so does exactly the opposite at almost every opportunity.
However, that isn't because Geez is being bloody-minded - he just can't help being in love with Ann.
Yep, he is almost too good to be true - as kind as he can be to his mother, his beloved Ann, her family and her friends.
He even buys ice creams for the underprivileged kids she helps.
Oh, yes, he is only outdone in the good guy stakes by the unfeasibly wonderful Ann whose only vice is wanting to see Geez more.
She can't get her way, though, because he is committed to spending four years at university in Germany.
He promises that their love will endure over time and distance and I was vaguely intrigued to see whether it did better than mine.
But for the most part, this was sickly sweet stuff.

Reasons to watch: If you are an incurable romantic
Reasons to avoid: Very soppy

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 4/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? In Jakarta in July 2012, Federal Chancellor Merkel concluded a wide-ranging basic agreement, the Jakarta Declaration, with then Indonesian President Yudhoyono. This provides the basis for close and multifaceted cooperation between Germany and Indonesia within the framework of a strategic partnership.

The final word. Hanggini Purinda Retto: "I know that many auditioned for this role. The burden is to make the audience fall in love with the film Geez and Ann." 

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