244. The Offering (L'ofrena); movie review
Cert TBA
111 mins
BBFC advice: TBA
Quite often Mrs W and I wonder what really goes on behind closed doors.
For example, how much do outwardly happy couples really love each other? Do they feel they are with the right person or do they have regrets?
Did they have a happy or traumatic childhood and have they had any negative impact on their lives?
The characters in The Offering have been so damaged by their past, that they find love almost impossible in the present.
From the very beginning, The Offering is raunchy - a young woman Rita (Verónica Echegui) is involved in online sex when she receives a visit from a man (Alex Brendemühl) informing her of her father's death.
It transpires that the latter abused her and she has suffered lasting psychological damage.
The film then flicks back on forth, showing how the messenger marries Rita but still has desires for an ex-girlfriend (Anna Alarcón) of 20 years previous.
Bizarrely, even though the ex is now married with children, Rita seems keen to bring the two together even arranging their meeting.
Despite this rather convoluted storyline, The Offering does pose a glut of social dilemmas which had both Mrs W and I gripped.
It realistically portrayed that marriages may not always be what they seem and the devastating effect both childhood abuse and love splits can have on people way into later life.
However, there are certain actions taken by the characters which resulted in us tutting in unison.
Nevertheless, Ventura Durall's movie is intense and, dare I say, erotic. And that is quite a heady combination.
Reasons to watch: Tense and erotic tale
Reasons to avoid: Characters who are hard to like
Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: Yes
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 7/10
Did you know? According to The Daily Mail as many as 14 per cent of people have resumed contact touch with an ex hoping to reignite the passion and one in six men are still secretly in contact with a former partner.
The final word. "(The pandemic) has forced us to be more with ourselves and has allowed us to honestly investigate our relationships" and even recover some. (This film) is very suitable for these times. 20 Minutos
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