10. Pieces Of A Woman; movie review



Cert 15
122 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong language, sex, nudity, drug misuse, domestic abuse

It was the most terrifying five minutes of our lives.
Our baby, whose scan had shown abnormalities several weeks previously, was whisked away because she was blue.
The medical staff told us nothing but the anxiety on their faces painted a frantic picture.
Moving on 27 and a half years and our beautiful daughter will be moving into a new home with her fiance this month and next year I will be giving her away at her wedding.
I doubt I will be able to hold it together during my speech if I begin to describe how we thought we may have lost her.
Strange as it may seem, neither Mrs W nor I spoke about our experience during or after Pieces Of A Woman.
Only now do I feel a tear coming to my eye because of the memory it has sparked.
Fortunately, our story had a happy ending but for many couples, such as Kornél Mundruczó and Kata Wéber it does not.
Their catharsis has come through the respective directing and writing of this award-winning movie, starring Vanessa Kirby, Shia LaBeouf and Ellen Burstyn.
Kirby and LaBoeuf play Martha and Sean, a loved-up couple who have decided on home birth.
This is shown in intimate detail after they have to call upon a substitute midwife (Molly Parker) because their chosen one is unavailable.
It gives nothing away to state that the baby dies. This is the central plank of the film. The reverberation on all parties provides the meat of the movie.
And it repeatedly prompts the question... what would you do under this level of stress.
Could you hold it together as a couple? Could you carry on working? Would you seek some sort of retribution?
Kirby is certainly worthy of mention in Oscar circles for a tremendous performance as a young woman who finds herself desperately alone in grief.
LaBoeuf is in her shadow but we felt it unnecessary to paint his character in such a negative light considering the loss he also felt.
Burstyn is Martha's interfering mother whose interventions are consistently tactless and unwelcome.
Pieces Of A Woman is riveting with very strong performances but it oversteps the mark too often.
There are a couple of scenes near its conclusion which are added for dramatic effect but are far-fetched and out of kilter with its very realistic opening.
Nevertheless, it is worth a watch.
PS Please think very carefully about a home birth - without the brilliant, rapid hospital staff, I can't say for sure whether our daughter would be alive today.

Reasons to watch: Oscar-worthy performance by Vanessa Kirby
Reasons to avoid: Upsetting scenes

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: Yes
Overall rating: 8/10

Baca Juga

Did you know? The United States has a worst first-day death rate than anywhere in the industrialised world. A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, a Save The Children report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

The final word. Vanessa Kirby: "I knew that this was a personal story for Kornel and Kata. He had such a burning vision of Martha and needing that story to be told. It’s not about the loss of a baby, it’s more of a character study of someone that this happens to. How someone reacts to trauma and how individual grief is and he allowed me to really shape that." Variety

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